We’ve published two help-self books specifically for Fibromyalgia. They are now both available on Amazon:
From Fibromyalgia to Freedom follows Clair Starr, a health therapist, on her journey. It describes how she became unwell and how she recovered again.
Using her story as a template you can follow Clair as she and her colleagues talk you through how she did it.
Part autobiography and part self-help this upbeat book will reveal your own fibromyalgia profile and show you how to choose the right natural therapies to suit you.
It features nutritional advice, coaching, and Restore_YinYoga, the new yoga for fibromyalgia devised by Clair.
Taking Control of Fibromyalgia introduces new research and scientific discoveries about fibromyalgia.
It delivers science in easy to digest explanations combined with practical tools you can try at home.
Find out how the bio-chemistry of fibromyalgia can show you how to reduce your pain.
Discover what ‘brain pain’ and ‘central sensitisation’ really are, and what you can do about them.
It features Caroline’s new acupressure system, designed for fibromyalgia and adapted so you can use it at home.
Taking Control of Fibromyalgia is also available as an audiobook on Audible – Click here.